Investor’s Vademecum
The above mentioned decisions are issued by the President of the City of Wałbrzych. Application forms for the issuance of the decision are available at the Municipal Office in Wałbrzych:
- Architecture and Construction Administration Office, ul. Kopernika 2, room no. 210 (2nd floor)
- Customer Service Office, ul. Sienkiewicza 6-8, phone no. +48 74 66 55 376
- Public Information Bulletin, in the “Information on handling matters” tab, i.e.: it will open in a new window
- Obtaining a decision on land development and management conditions or a decision on the site location of a public-purpose line-investment project is required in there is no local spatial development plan for each construction investment which, according to the provisions of the construction law, require obtaining a building permit as well as in case of the change of a type of usage of a construction structure or its part.
- The existing local spatial development plans are available on the Public Information Bulletin website in the Spatial Development tab (It will open in a new window
Contact details – the issuance of decisions on land development and management conditions or decisions on the site location of a public-purpose line-investment project.
Architecture and Construction Administration Office
ul. Kopernika 2, 58-300 Wałbrzych
phone no. +48 74 66 55 252
phone no. +48 74 66 55 353
phone no. +48 74 66 55 245
phone no. +48 74 66 55 354
Obtaining land from the resources of the Wałbrzych Commune can be conducted by means of purchasing a property or another form of acquiring the right to manage a property for construction purposes (perpetual usufruct, lease). The issues relating to the purchase of land are conducted at the Property and Infrastructure Office. The intended use of the land is defined by the local spatial development plans or, in case of lack thereof, the decisions on land development and management conditions and on the site location of a public-purpose line-investment project. Everyone has the right to access a local spatial development plan and may obtain a local plan extract for which an administration fee is charged. Excerpts from the local spatial development plan can be purchased at the Revitalisation and Spatial Development Office of the Municipal Office in Wałbrzych, ul. Rynek 23, 58-300 Wałbrzych, phone no. +48 74 64 44 721 - 724.
Contact details – issues relating to land purchase
Property and Infrastructure Office
ul. Kopernika 2, 58-300 Wałbrzych
phone no. +48 74 66 55 221
A construction project which constitutes an attachment to the application form for a building permit shall be drawn up by a person who has building qualifications to design within a certain specialty and is a member of an appropriate chamber of a vocational local government. A building project should contain all required opinions, arrangements, permissions and other documents covered by specific provisions.
A decision on a building permit is issued by the President of the City of Wałbrzych. Application forms for the issuance of a decision on a building permit are available at the Municipal Office in Wałbrzych in:
- Architecture and Construction Administration Office, ul. Kopernika 2, room no. 210 (2nd floor)
- Customer Service Office, ul. Sienkiewicza 6-8, phone no. +48 74 66 55 376
- Public Information Bulletin in the “Information on handling matters” tab, i.e.: It will open in a new window
The following documents should be attached to the application form:
- a building project (4 copies),
- a statement on the right to manage the property for construction purposes and
- a decision on land development and management conditions or on the site location of a public-purpose line-investment project – if required.
Contact details – issuance of decisions on a building permit
Architecture and Construction Administration Office
ul. Kopernika 2, 58-300 Wałbrzych
phone no. +48 74 66 55 317
phone no. +48 74 66 55 335
phone no. +48 74 66 55 247
phone no. +48 74 66 55 248
The commencement of construction may take place on the basis of a final decision on a building permit or on the basis of a notification about the execution of construction works for which a building permit is not required. Such notification shall be submitted to the Municipal Office in Wałbrzych, Architecture and Construction Administration Office, ul. Kopernika 2, room no. 210 (2nd floor), phone no. 74 66 55 250 or 351.
An investor is obliged to notify the following authorities about an intended term of the commencement of construction works for which a building permit is required:
- the above-mentioned authority,
- the Poviat Inspectorate of Building Supervision for the City of Wałbrzych with its registered office in ul. Słowackiego 23A, 58-300 Wałbrzych (1st floor) and
- a designer who supervises the consistency of the construction with the project, at least 7 days before their commencement.
The Poviat Inspectorate of Building Supervision for the City of Wałbrzych is a competent authority to issue a decision on the structure use. After the completion of an investment an investor:
- shall notify about the completion of building and intention to use a structure (if obtaining a structure use permit is NOT required),
- shall notify about the completion of building and an application form for the issuance of a structure use permit (if an authority IMPOSED SUCH AN OBLIGATION in a building permit).
Important changes in the economic law
The Business Constitution, the aim of which is to improve the legal and institutional environment in which Polish entrepreneurs run their businesses, came into force on April 30, 2018. It is a set of 5 acts that in a clear, brief and bottom-up manner define the foundations of the economic system in Poland in the spirit of economic freedom. From the perspective of companies it is a “card of basic rights” which encompasses the basic principles of running business and guarantees that businesses are entitled to. The laws that constitute the Business Constitution are as follows:
- Act of March 6, 2018. Business law (Journal of Laws of 2018, item 646);
- Act of March, 2018 on the Commissioner for Small and Medium-sized Businesses (Journal of Laws of 2018 item 648);
- Act of March 6, 2018 on Central Registration and Information on Business Activity and the Business Information Point (Journal of Laws of 2018, item 647);
- Act of March 6, 2018 Governing the Business Operations of Foreign Enterprises and other Foreign Persons on the Territory of the Republic of Poland (Journal of Laws of 2018, item 649);
- Act of March 6, 2018 – Regulations introducing the Business Law and other Acts pertaining to business activity (Journal of Laws of 2018, item 650);
The Ministry of Entrepreneurship and Technology is the registration body for a business activity run by an individual. The commune bodies serve as an intermediary in the registration activities based on principles settled in the above mentioned acts, perform tasks within the scope ordered by the governmental administration.
Information materials regarding the implemented new solutions can be found on the following websites:
Both persons who intend to start a business and persons already running a business activity may avail themselves of the online Business Information Point which is an expansion of the current website There are prepared information materials available on the websites regarding setting up a business, choice of taxation form, running or suspending business activity, and self-help books for entrepreneurs that serve as guidelines for specific issues and situations.
Registration of a business activity, introduction of changes, suspension of business or its deletion shall be done as it has been done so far, i.e. through the website
Valid forms, instructions for filling them out as well as current information and announcements are available on the website.
Contact details – issues regarding Central Registration and Information on Business Activity:
Customer Service Center
Services for Entrepreneurs Office
of the Municipal Office in Wałbrzych
ul. Sienkiewicza 6-8,
58-300 Wałbrzych
phone no. +48 746655293, +48 746655291, +48 746655290
Updated on October 26, 2018