Oficjalny Serwis Miasta Wałbrzycha

Invest in Wałbrzych

Supporting LOCAL entrepreneurs by creating favourable conditions for the development of entrepreneurship in the city, among other things, through:    

  • planning and organising conferences, seminars, business meetings, workshops,  trainings and other events for entrepreneurs
  • creating and implementing investment, advisory, educational and information and promotional projects within the scope of entrepreneurship
  • supporting  the creation of places for start-ups in Wałbrzych, e.g.

          1. "CityLab"  (on the territory of the “Former Mine” Science and Art Centre)

          2. "Wałbrzych Business Incubator” (investment in progress)

  • providing support during the process of creating optimum conditions and directions of development of local companies within the framework of the “Council of Economic Development of the City of Wałbrzych”
  • other projects and events according to local needs.
We want to invite you to create Wałbrzych as an interesting city to live and work in!
You are welcome to SHARE the information regarding economic events in our city to our profile: